Annual competition VII AMCO Spelling Bee – 2019

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Annual Competiton VII Amco
Spelling Bee

Registration Form

    I agree to the terms and condictions*

    B-e-e part of the challenge!

    The Amco Spelling Bee is an experience that comprehensively develops the academic, social and emotional abilities in students.


    • Promote English learning among students through a dynamic and educational competition, oriented towards:

    a) spelling excellence

    b) vocabulary expansion
    • Stimulate individual work and healthy competition in our students, both at their

    own school and with students from others.
    • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem and, in turn, emotional intelligence.


    Any Amco student from any Amco primary program.

    Inscreve-te antes do dia 21 de janeiro de 2019.

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    Vídeo resumen

    VI Amco Spelling Bee

    No te pierdas el vídeo resumen de la Gran Final de colegios españoles del curso 2017 – 2018, ¿quién será el ganador este año? G-o! 

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